When photography turn to sculpture  2020


When photography turn to sculpture  2020



When photography turns into sculpture 2020
155 cm x 50 cm x 75 cm
Plotting inkjet print

The sculptural qualities such as referring to the possibilities for the use of diverse materials, its multi-perspectivity and the here and now can be employed and applied to re-think and re-read over and on photography. I deal with what characterizes photograph as expanded material for contemporary art. While interplaying between the image and sculptural form, photography’s properties are at once disturbed but also emphasized. This work is purely focusing on material aspect like paper, surface, color, size etc. and shows the transformation of a seemingly flat photographic image into sculpture that has volume and interacts with physical space. Instead of being flat, it takes on a sculptural dimension. Instead of being reproducible, it is a unique piece. It finally deepens the spatiality of photographic sculpture that would open up a new space for creators and viewers, imposing another experience of the notion of place between photography and sculpture. 15/06/2020 Sunyoung Park